A Decade of Evolution

My Feet Went Into The Street

The decade from 2010-2019 taught me to

  • Listen both with and without intent, each offers lessons
  • Consider systemic processes more deeply
  • Research materials beyond the normal, this is where hidden truths lie
  • Love so many more people than I’d ever conceived
  • Evolution must bear resistance to norms
  • Perceive how twisted peace and love can be
  • Look in the face of authority without fear
  • Manifest love through the creations of each day, they should nourish  
  • Home is where I create peace
  • Normalize the stresses of live, living matters most so make the most from living

So many significant deaths in the decade, which includes both of my parents, more than a handful of activists I was close with during the formational time for Occupy Detroit. Each was like a family member. 

The things in life come and go more quickly now, it has forced me to be more liquid in the tools I work with. My sense of self-employment needs a better commitment in the coming decade. Perhaps I’ve waited far too long to set better vision, but here it is 2020 now.

Decade Of Evolution