Michigan Dreaming of Education Nightmares

State of Michigan is pursuing an overhaul of the education system. These plans appear to exclude public involvement and serve an agenda that education is where the money is (but don’t tell anyone that).

Public schools are crucial in educating toward a successful future. Anything else is catering to private interests. Learning in a closed environment dictated by state and large corporations limits results and miseducates through avoidance. Public Schools develop minds with open parachutes.

The Detroit News article states “first identify the problem”. 30 people selected through Skillman Foundation – wouldn’t that mean a focused source for who is included? There are two advisors who will filter what they hear when working with Governor Snyder on suggestions by end of March.

This entire approach is the problem! There is a view by the journalist, and apparently supported by The Detroit News that State management limiting access and control of public schools us key to success. Detroit has had State management of Detroit Public Schools for several generations of students, roughly 25 years. This is enough to create a permanent cultural shift in the city. One which has a massive truancy problem and entices students with gifts for coming in on Count Day. More parents see homeschooling as required.

Funding PUBLIC Education

Why is there a $285 million surplus in Student Aid fund? Could it be real needs in the existing system were not met? Perhaps underfunding set the stage for this restructuring activity. If you can prove things aren’t working you gain listening toward changing the system.

NoEAAschools-logoLgMore restructuring to wipe out the existing elected school board simply says the voice of the people is being squashed. The School Board meets in public and has forum for all voices to be heard. Allow the local board to work with this “portfolio of schools” and demonstrate fiscal responsibility publicly. How transparent are charter schools or the State’s EAA district?

Michigan is targeting more experiments in its education system. Don’t forget the “Skunk Works” project following Snyder’s education vision. It was scuttled quickly and evidence lost.

Education working from a real world example is VITAL for Detroit resurgence and the State economy. Why should we consistently hear business saying they need to import skilled new staff?

Author: Stephen Boyle

Freelance web developer and graphics artist. Blogger on topics of interest in Detroit's communities and social conditions. My political alignment tends to be closest aligned to the US Green Party. I ran in 2014 for US Congress, Michigan's 14th District.