WordPress.com vs WordPress.org and hosting

wordpress-logo-hoz-rgbSometimes the notion of WordPress can simply be confusing. Just a little disambiguation can help quite a bit.

  • Consumer version at wordpress.com that offers very basic posting. There’s no plugins and limited theme support. The good thing is that it is free. Another good thing is that posts through this tend to swim in a stream of other wordpress.com sites that might end up bringing you additional following and sharing of your posts. You can bring these sites over to a custom domain that can be purchased through either wordpress or by a reseller (such as myself, read below).
  • Developer version at wordpress.org is what I’m most familiar with. It requires website hosting, look below for more about that. The beauty for a developer is being able to work with a vast array of plugins, themes and site settings that can enable richer content, better sharing, and features that are only open through wordpress.org and similar development resources.

I started this post through WordPress.com and came over to my hosted administration panel because I wanted to include an image in the post that I knew I had in my library already. Access to those pre-existing images wasn’t easily possible through the wordpress.com editor’s interface. If I knew the address for the image I could include it, but I get better accessibility over on my hosted admin editor. 

Website Hosting Services

As a hosting reseller I can setup a site for you, simply buy a domain, or turn over a CPANEL (Control Panel) that lets you go about hosting in a number of ways. So the first step is to consult with you about what your interests are and how to best serve those. WordPress isn’t the only solution I can assist with – there are many website tools that can be worked with and I can discuss what I’ve worked with and why I’ve made choices along the way.

  1. “I just need a domain and to have it pointed at an existing site” – this usually isn’t too much work to get the website named as you wanted. What is missing here is the conversation about email service using that domain. Since you own the domain, why not the email for it too?? There are additional conversation topics like subdomains and such that can be approached as needed – which few people consider.
  2. “I need a website setup with some basic graphics” – the assumption here is that you’ll be writing your own content or are trying to move a site from another host to something you’ll have more control over.
  3. “I’m not sure what a CPANEL is but I think I want that” – this is where consulting with you about the interests shows up and being truthful and revealing helps a lot in meeting your needs. If you’ve got one site or fifteen to be hosted there’s obviously going to be a little difference in what we’re talking about. It gets down to some training, guidance and support.
  4. If you are a skilled website developer, getting a hosting account through me does allow you to setup multiple websites and buy additional domains. One perk is advertising coupons that might be used to reimburse expenses that you’ve paid to me. My costs are very reasonable and I do my best in being fair and reasonable with pricing. If we’re both succeeding that’s what brings me joy.

If you’re interested in working with me, give me a call at 313-757-2619 or send an email to info@fuzzytek.com

Author: Stephen Boyle

Freelance web developer and graphics artist. Blogger on topics of interest in Detroit's communities and social conditions. My political alignment tends to be closest aligned to the US Green Party. I ran in 2014 for US Congress, Michigan's 14th District.