Basic Income March in Detroit

DETROIT, MICHIGAN: I’m interested as many are in the various nuances of basic income. Some have simply said “Hey $1000 a month is great, I’ll TAKE IT!”. Perhaps that’s motivation enough, but my personal hope is that the public is a bit more curious about how this can be done and how it will impact society. There is a genuine need for social discourse on a topic that is vital in our decision making process politically, economically, and socially.


Worldwide Call To Action

When I saw that October 26, 2019 was a nationwide call to action (became worldwide in a week) for a Basic Income March I sat and considered, who is going to host such a march in Detroit? The issue has been a subject of many current Presidential campaigns; economically and socially it is a hot topic.


Automation Tax & Robot Tax

Some may know that Bill Gates presented his opinions on Automation Tax and Robot Tax at Davos a few years ago. Then there are people with other points of view worth discussing, such as nuances in the following video. The best thing to do is hold discussion, admit where information exists, that we need to learn and then return with a better framing on the issue.
