I have lived more than half my life in an embedded system that I learned little to nothing about having privilege as a white male. I never sought out privilege and there was no education regarding this topic. However white male privilege is present, I have been granted it without question. At some point, when your mind clears enough to hear and be aware, you then discover how the world encounters your existence.
Sometimes you’ll be declaring that you hear clearly in response to the affront from those stating you still haven’t heard. Slow down in the frustration, open up more listening, embrace with empathy where you might be missing connection. It is a bit like balance, you might have it one moment and slide off it the next. The next question is how to be responsible with that awareness, and not shy away from being in the conversation fully.
Can those whom are more oppressed accept assistance from those carrying privilege responsibly, or does that mearly seem like a cheap facade to those oppressed? We have to learn to accept where the oppressed find themselves and see those with some awareness of privilege. Leading and organizing to do something about racism from inside the ranks of privilege can be powerful. Leading can be easily dismissed as grand-standing on privilege especially when there is no visible acknowledgement of partnering with the oppressed. Checking in on acceptance with humility is important.
Contaminated By Fear
The following was post by ROCKET (!!!) MAN along with a new music track opener.
It’s time. Human beings must not continue to allow our spaces to be so contaminated by #FEAR that we dwell in the darkness of our differences. If we can plainly see that no one wants more of what is happening and people are willing to have the kinds of conversations in their environments that can induce or provoke positive change, why shun them? Embrace what you perceive as their ignorance.
The only way to achieve the needed change is to enhance perspective; that is what true revolution is about. The only way to do that is by finishing the conversation and understanding that even if we don’t agree with someone’s point of view, that does not make it invalid; that is how they currently see things. No one who feels disrespected or as if their opinion is being invalidated is interested in finishing the conversation.
You think somebody’s opinion is bullshit? Well, now you have a real life decision to make, don’t you, oh “aware” one? Are you a messenger of The Way or just a different shade of #FEAR?#WAGELOVE. #ZOOM
Knowledge of Influences is Key to Liberation
Our minds bring so much confusion to our hearts. Far too often the tough work of being fully aware is denied. We surround ourselves with a supportive society that condones separation – claiming to be our support network. Many fear breaking free from this bonding relationship as it offers us some form of identification. It is dangerous in our minds to be both independent and interdependent.
WageLove, face FEAR without shame, but get to know fear well. You don’t get to know fear by standing inside it. There is a certain sense of knowing in that mode, however observing how it functions, thrives and is created are vital – especially as a peace maker!
The emphasis in peace making is to observe first, get to know the inluencing factors and how to assist a person caught to see those influences and the role of influence that bind better. When you are armed with knowledge, truth can liberate.