Question asked on Genius: does the song explain intersubjectivity? how?
The first verse leads the listener to know the perspective is higher than personal, it is a social perspective reached. In this 3rd person perspective social conditions could be discussed, however people don’t break the silence. Such as a failure to hold conversations that matter – condemning those to the “wells of silence”. In the intersubjectivity we allow silence to destroy discussing changes needed in society. We allow a normalcy to silence. Those that do speak out aren’t lifted up through neon signs, they are condemned to write on subway walls and tenement halls. As the 2nd verse states “turned my collar to the cold and damp” – basically shunning those who aren’t illuminated and have been cast to darkness. Society has become like moths attracted to neon lights flashing messages. The sign’s warning was to ignore the next message as #FakeNews, then we could remain content in with the Sound of Silence.