Emoting Marianne Williamson on Impeachment
We’re entering a time when deep thoughts of how our society allowed a president into office who was declared impeachable from the first day. Collectively we have to take in our personal role and how the system works through us. It’s said that “bad laws enable bad things to happen”.
Our collective moral compass needs adjusting to deny what is against our better judgement. We need leadership on that journey of change that isn’t willing to allow the infection any foothold. “Not on my watch” is to move into action when injustice appears. We have to hold the results of our active changes accountable for the role they play in the whole of things. Monitor, reveal, engage is a cycle of responsibility. We know we could do better… It is time to act on that. When you need support in seeing a path more clearly ASK, LISTEN, DO. It is always easier to be in action with others. Humans are communal beings. We create societies… some don’t serve to bring our higher intentions and they need examined.
The impeachment proceedings are going to the Senate next. A body of elected officials, a society if you will, that collectively has supported President Trump. We have to encourage them toward a higher outcome than continue forward with a broken system delivering a person subject to impeachment. As we move through this process the weaknesses in society need examined then addressed. We’re we at a point wherethe electoral college needs abolished? Are we going to remove political parties from rule by corporate ownership? Are we the people ready to be responsible with our vote insisting that our will is manifested?
As we support candidate(s) for elected office how are we engaged? Is it personal enough to be involved? Are we looking beyond a faceoff to the 4 years that follow? Have you found a community to empower with your presence that is collectively doing the right thing? Is that a community you’d like to see everywhere?
As we approach the passing of one year to the next, we assess what’s happened on our watch and resolve for how that watch will be in the year ahead. Be ready to harvest what you sow… that journey may not be easy, the results will be remarkably different because of your involvement. 🙌🏼
It’s in your hands and on your mind the watch is served. 🙅🏽
#IstandWithMarianne #Marianne2020 #BigTruth
Keep Marianne Williamson in the election.